Horror created by carlosg76 9 years ago

Plays: 14 Favorites: 0
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

It starts out at a normal summer camp as the day goes on it turns in to night and as you might think a few campers are siting at the campfire telling stories and one starts to talk about a one that relates to the camp their at it goes like this on a night just like this a man was wondering on the woods lost afraid just near here as he was walking trying to get out of the woods he sees a white figure in the distance and he yells out hello who's there noting silence he walks closer to it and just a few feet away it disappears gone just like that he starts to panic and he starts running looking around try to figure out what just happened and then he stops to look at were he's at then out of no where he see two red dots that look like eyes he stares at them and for a brief second he feels like he falling then he sees that white figure infront of him but like he's looking up at his body but then he releases his head came off and then you see his body fall and like that the white figure is gone just like that without a trace there lays his decapitated body and every thing fades

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Oct 17 2016