melodrama created by carlosg76 9 years ago

Plays: 13 Favorites: 1
Genre: Latin Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Game

It starts out as a normal day blue sky's nice breeze and a husband and wife liveing peacefuly but one day a women passes by there home claming that she knows the wife but she out in town so the husband invites her in for some coffee and they start talking and then the wife walks in and the stranger looks satras at her then she says i am back the wife faints then the stranger explains that she is the wifes long lost sister a few hours pass by the wife wakes up looking around the room checking where she is and the sister is siting there looking out the window she notices that she's awake then she gets up to greet her the wife starts to tell stay away then the sister grabs her and hugs her and says its been awhile the wife starts crying saying you died in the car accident then the sister explains what happend those meny years ago she starts to cry yell no i cant be then you died in the car acident and the she runs out of the room and then her ex is standing out on the front door with flowers in hishand then her huband walks up to the door and says whats this she says its not what it looks like he drops to his knees and yells noooooooooooooo!!!

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Oct 17 2016
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