THE CHRISTMAS GIFT... created by DAD 007 18 years ago

Plays: 112 Favorites: 0
Genre: Other Mood: Etc Theme: Other

05 THE CHRISTMAS GIFT… (22 NOV 2007) 3:33
A child wakes from their “long winter’s nap” to find the exciting news that Christmas morning has finally arrived! With excitement and glee, the young one eagerly climbs out of bed and races the parent’s room where a quick knock is offered followed by the sudden opening of the door. As the little one pounces on the bed of the adults, both father and mother give out an exhausted sigh, and it coerced by their child to get out of bed. Slipping on their house shoes, the family strolls down to the Christmas tree where many a wonderful present awaits to be received and opened.

The little child receives blessings of love, and excitedly tares into each present. Upon opening each gift, and reply of glee and happiness is expressed through laughter and hugs. When all the gifts seem to be opened, the young one stands up and looks behind the tree, as if to say “isn’t there anymore??? Just one more??? Please?”

Both parents look at each other, a little shocked and confused, and wondering what to say when suddenly their child leaps from behind the tree, filled with joy in the eye’s and exclaims… “Here it is! Here’s the gift… here’s what I wanted!”

And in the tiny, precious hands, is a gift, unevenly wrapped in a brown paper bag, with mounds of tape holding it together. As the child gently places the gift in their mother’s hand the young individual says, with love in the heart and tears in the eye’s, “Here mommy, here. This is for you. I made it myself.”

With anticipation and hope of acceptance, the little one excitedly looks on as the mother begins to open the gift with tears streaming down her face. And after opening the gift, a homemade object, obviously created by a little child, is revealed and mother gently hugs her child, shares a kiss of appreciation, and realizes she just received the greatest gift that money could never buy… she received a gift of love… Love - that is truly “THE CHRISTMAS GIFT…”

Other songs by shaker: DAD 007
01 A Walk in the Quiet Night 02 Winter Storm & (Winter Storm (REMIX2)
03 Winter’s Rain 04 Christmas Eve 05 The Christmas Gift…
06 Christmas Dreams 07 Christmas Dinner 08 Time For Dessert
09 In With the New

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