Christmas Dinner created by DAD 007 18 years ago

Plays: 295 Favorites: 0
Genre: Other Mood: Etc Theme: Other

07 CHRISTMAS DINNER: (17 NOV 2007) 3:12
While Christmas morning has already arrived, and the afternoon has brought guests, visitors, family, and friends, the afternoon offers the wonderful Christmas dinner as the air is filled with the aroma of the wonderful smells of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, and all the other delectable delight that come with the grand feast. The meal is ready, the table has been set, and the leader of the house has whistled to grab everyone’s attention! “Dinner’s ready! Come join me at the table!” And the crowd rises from their seats in the living room and gathers over to the table where the prepared family banquet awaits. Uncle Bill gives a heavy laugh to a story he hears another sharing on the way to the table. Aunt Linda joins in with the joy of the occasion. The children pull the chairs out for the grandparents, allowing them to be seated first. When everyone is finally seated, and the air is calm with the presence of so many loved ones, hands are joined around the table as grandpa clears his throat just before giving thanks for the wonderful meal before them. Just as the blessing is finished, baby Joseph concludes the prayer with a cry of thanks all of his own… The food is served, the glassed are filled, and the plates loaded with every delicious item possible. As the course continues, and seconds and thirds fill the plates, the room is filled with laughter, joy, and love while a toast is made and all give thanks to be here with each other. What a glorious event, and all that remains to complete this feast is the dessert, which is about ready to be offered now that we all have had our delicious “CHRISTMAS DINNER!”

Other songs by shaker: DAD 007
01 A Walk in the Quiet Night 02 Winter Storm & (Winter Storm (REMIX2)
03 Winter’s Rain 04 Christmas Eve 05 The Christmas Gift…
06 Christmas Dreams 07 Christmas Dinner 08 Time For Dessert
09 In With the New

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