Hokus Pokus created by Fordoeroe 11 years ago
H0KUS P0KUS This is the second Fusion Song of Fordoeroe, the New Colloboration between 89Ford and OEROE2911 The song was finished 3days ago, and I wanted Ford to do the posting of this second Song and give him the honor to do the promotion of it. And I was supposed to meet with him yesterday for some planning about future songs, but I lost contact with him again for some days now, so we still are having minor communication problems....but I could not keep the song in the mixmachine any longer, because it wanted to join the other songs on musicshake!! LOL! But I do want to give credits to ford for doing his part on the song, so a big SHOUTOUT to Ford, and I hope he will hear me !!! LOL! so enjoy our second "brainchild" !!!! OEROE!
~~~~HOKUS POKUS~~~~~~}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}