It's been awile. created by amayamoo 12 years ago

Plays: 9 Favorites: 0
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Alone/Lonely Theme: Get Well

Your old best friend moved away a year ago. they come back with a sickness, they where in the hospital when you check on them. "is that really you?" they say, weak "its me,i missed you so much." you say, faking a smile. the doctor comes in with a frown "i'm sorry, theres nothing else we can do, its up to fate, now"
you both start crying
"I'm sorry! i should not have moved! You even said you did not want me to go!" they said. you run toward your friend and hug him/her
"it's not your fault, its no ones fault."
the nurse walks in and tells you to leave, so you do, the next day, your friend is in the newspaper "LOCAL KID DIES FROM SICKNESS"

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