Countdown to the End of the World created by TimeSeer 13 years ago
Here's another odd little song I made for the Mirror of Shadows edition of the Guild Soundtrack... This one goes along with a very intense scene from the end of what will be the very last book. In this scene, hope is all but lost. The most powerful villain of all time, Grenbane, has captured the Time Seer herself, the Goddess of Destiny that supports all of reality with her very life energy. He intends to destroy her, believing it will finally allow his kind to seize power. However, instead, this act would destroy all the worlds the Time Seer created, and numerous others besides. Even as the heroes run to his imposing castle in the heart of the Shadow Realm, the world is crumbling around them. Time is running out fast. They are all exhausted and injured, but there is no time to rest. It is now or never.
So, what do you all think? Ironically, this was originally going to be something very different... Then this happened. XD Let me know what you think, and how I could improve it! Thanks for listening!