hyper dimensions created by oeroe2911 13 years ago
This S0NG is CaLLed HypeR DimenSi0NS ! because that's where I created iT !! and that's where it comes from ! I want to ask you if you would remember these words that I'm now telling you, while you listen to the song !! I have just a labtop like most of you also have! and I have an Account on musicshake, wich you also have! I did not study any music anywhere, but I love music with all of my heart! and I believe you do to ! So this song I just created is for all of you also P0SSiBLE to create YOURSELF!! I can't explain from a place where I write this on a labtop how you do this, but there was nobody who explained it to me either! I am just telling you all, that YOU CAN DO THIS ALS0 !! think about that! please do, because you have all that you NEED! I H0PE that y0U may succeed ! enjoy the S0NG! 0ER0E!