Drowning Tear created by Thienien 15 years ago
Dedicated To Japan. Tsunami Victims and all and of course, me. It came from inside of all the immense gathered pain. For 11 minutes (the song's length i sulked in intense Emotional Pain). Not feeling the disaster in Japan entirely, but what i've become; A Masochist Who feeds on his own pain. I manifest these wonderful songs in the name of all the pain i went through and in the name of suffering. I feed off of hatred people have for me which makes depressing feelings worse. Crying as a child only sparked what hatred can do for me, make the sadness feel good. The people of Japan should embrace what happened and only acknowledge it as Evil's doing. Generate hate for Unsuspecting Nature and use the hate to embrace your Despair. Japan has my entire emotional void (all of my sympathy)within this tribute. Enjoy