Malevolent (An Ominous Sequel) created by karma5 14 years ago

Plays: 245 Favorites: 22
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Halloween

A 'sequel' to my song from 2008, "Ominous--An Ode to Horror":!/song?sn=5882

(And it's not 9-min. long this time!)

Also, here's the follow-up to end the "Ominous" trilogy, "Sinister--An Ominous Three-quel)":!/song?sn=126394

= )

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**History of the Song: I always wanted to 'redo' my song 'Ominous' and with 2 years of Shaking behind me, I felt I could improve on the previous song. It shares the same ominous tones and elements of the first horror-inspired song, but with a bit more evil intent and thriller qualities behind it. What I weirdly recall most about this is that it only took me 2-3 days to arrange most of this song and be happy with it for the most part (whereas songs usually take me weeks to fine-tune). And by the time I finished, it was still July '10, 3 months before my intended release in October. So for those months, it was basically finished except for a few detailed parts here and there until I was ready to post it. It's actually one of my favorite songs to make so far.

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Feb 14 2011
Nov 15 2010
Nov 29 2010
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