The Hunt/Race Against Time created by RevanJast 15 years ago

Plays: 45 Favorites: 0
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Other

Derrick doesn't think about his 'other life': the one where he's involved in vice, drugs, and murder, the one where he cheats on his wife with all sorts of women, human and alien alike (he's fond of twi'leks, like most males). Instead he thinks about now, the present, the time where he's seen as nothing but an angel for helping the sick and poor of the galaxy.
But there is someone who knows Derrick's dark secret... and that someone wants him to pay. The tool for the job? Kurt Jervada: a mercenary, and one of the best. Always gets the job done, and usually without a mess. The plan is this: kill the target and get out without being taken down by the law enforcement. Can he do it?
Based on the popular RP, Survival: Dark Times.

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Oct 26 2015