Melodrama created by neonblack33 9 years ago

Plays: 6 Favorites: 0
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Animation

It was regular for a family of four until the police come to their house in Los Angles, California. The mother is told that she was going to be arrested for identity theft and for stealing money from 50 different people. The cops tell her that she has one week to prepare for her court trail. The mom is given photos from the crime and decides to go to New York City, where the photos were taken. When the mother gets in New York she decides to go on a manhunt for the woman who framed her. After four days of searching she fonds the woman's apartment and finds the woman. The woman tells the mother that they are identical twins and that she will take full responsibility for her actions. The mother asks the woman where has she been her entire life. The woman tells her that when their parents divorced their dad took her. One day later they are on the plane when the woman tells the mother that she is sorry for what she has done only for the mother to tell that she doesn't believe her. After the court trial the mother visits the woman and tells her that she wished they could have spent more time together and that she accepts her apology.

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Oct 17 2016