Upbeat West Side Story Fight created by Maggiemonkey 9 years ago

Plays: 3 Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Other

Riff and Bernardo stared at each other. They raised their eyebrows at each other as excited music plays in the background. Riff does a flip attempting to get closer to Bernardo. Bernardo does a classic backhand uppercut with a switched stance for stability. They took a quick dance break while they turned in circles to make sure the other person didn't try to kill them. They both did an evil laugh. There was no escaping the cringy music! Bernardo suddenly got down on his knees! "I can't handle this horrible music!" He then fell down to the ground as Riff punched him in the gut.
Due 10-12-16
Independent Project #2

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