Lady Azure - Kiyoru's Dream (Aquaria) created by LadyAzure 11 years ago

Plays: 8 Favorites: 0
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Sad/Melancholic Theme: Game

Its been quite some time since I have made any new songs, especially any for the "Aquarian Empire" series, but now I'm back again with fresh ideas and a set of upcoming songs based on the "Aquarian Empire" series. Once more I've created an original song with the inspirational help by the wonderful group in helping make this series become possible for the "The Aquarian Empire" series, based of an RP story chat line created by this wonderful group in order to make it happen. Many thanks to those whom participate in this and we always look forward to what new songs can be created.

Come with us this time as we journey to the past in Aquaria in visiting one of the most influential characters upon one of Aquaria's present day main character, Veneita Kagareji. Time time we find ourselves in a past long ago upon the time when Kiyoru Sypher (later to be known as Kiyoru Kagareji) was alive, this wonderful woman was known for her healing magics that her family strongly possessed ease over that it was due to that she had been married into the Kagareji Clan here at the start of the song. We travel further down the memory lane of the woman with a notable appearance of having clear bright azure blue eyes filled with emotion and long inky black tresses pinned up with elaborate golden hairpins and hair ornaments given as gifts to her husband over the years of their courtship and marriage. As the picture shifts now the very same woman sits in a bedroom holding a small bundle in her hands, her first child a girl that is now known as Veneita, time passes and we see now Kiyoru holding the hand of a young Veneita but the only difference now is her hair no longer was it the same inky black tresses instead it had become a pure snow white in color still though in its usual hairstyle it didn't seem to bother anyone much instead it made her appearance much more notable to those around her. Again the song shifts and we find ourselves seeing what she believes to be her daughter as a wonderful grown successful heiress to the clan this time picture slowly shifts and a younger man appears beside her daughter looking very much like her newborn son she recently had, she finds herself within a dream seeing how her children would hopefully become in the future. Soon as the story fades we watch as a head on vehicle collision takes place outside of a large hospital, Kiyoru inside the back of the vehicle that had just been hit as she had just finished visiting the hospital on business. We can easily see that she had crawled out from the wreckage now laying on the side of the road bleeding heavily, her once bright azure eyes now slowly starting to dim and close upon her passing she sees another image of a dream this time of her children grown up in the present day Aquaria, as she leaves the plane of existence we can see the tears that left her during the last image she had seen and we fade right back into the present day Aquaria looking down at the large beautiful planet.

I hope you all enjoyed listening to this track as much as I enjoyed creating this piece of music based upon the one of the most influential characters upon one of the many main characters in the current present time storyline. It had taken quite some time to piece together just how I wanted it to portray the Lady Kiyoru of all she stood for, the grace and beauty of her soul mixed with the dream of seeing things slowly come to pass upon her death. Please stay tuned for further tracks based on the "Aquarian Empire" series.

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