B0RN T0 BE FREE created by oeroe2911 11 years ago
this song is a remix of the dedication song "Don't stop shaking" created by the wonderful and very talented fellowshaker Miss soulgrim !!! LOL! she made the song as a dedication song for me, because of my 600th song! and I loved it very much, so I created this remix to show her my appreciation! ThanX a billion girl !! Shout it out loud, because we are all Born to be Free !!
* soulgrim used a lot of effect's in the original song. but in the online mixer there is always a couple of seconds between the block's in the song, when some of the instruments seem to be gone. and there were some loud booms, that were not there during the remix, but after I uploaded the song, they suddenly were there. but I decided to leave them in the remix., because there are a lot of other crazy sounds as well. So don't be scared when you hear them....
~~~~~B0RN TO BE FREE~~~~~~}}}}}}