Melatonin (Album "Park Side") created by PointBlank19 12 years ago

Plays: 34 Favorites: 6
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Etc Theme: Other

Who doesn't have sleeping problems? I do. Nightmares of my own death and dreams about ex girlfriend Anissa. But this time I'm Stayin up.


Intro- I take my pills and I

Verse 1- Go crazy
I go to you house leave a blood red daisy
Then I break the window
Invite myself in
Is it really a sin though
I walk to the end
Of you hallway real slow
Kick your door open
And my raps start to flow
You scream "Oh no! You broke in"
So what girl and I hurl all over the floor
I take my knife aim and I score
It hits her harder then my foot hit the door
I take you by the hair
Put you in the bath tub
But there's already ten bodies in there

Hook- I must of killed like 15 people lastnight
Only did I stop when I saw the sunlight
So you might as well as lock me up tight
Cause if you don't I might be back tonight

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