SHAKERS 4 WORLD PEACE !!! created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

Plays: 142 Favorites: 19
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Get Well

THIS SONG IS A SHOUT OUT , TO ALL OUR "WORLD LEADERS" !! WE "THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD" DEMAND WORLD PEACE !! Against all expectations of a better World, with love and peace for All Humanity, or "a Golden Age" to come after the year 2012, we are once more at "the brink' of a 'World War' accoording to the reports coming to us all through the media, on a daily base !! I know that we, "the normal people" , so to speak, are fed up with all these War's !! We want to live our lifes in peace with each other , like we are supposed to do, from the very beginning !! But the "POWERS TO BE" or better "THE POWERS THAT WERE" aka our World Leaders , want to drag us in to another devastating War !! I know you might think, but what can I do to stop this? And my answer is, that you should speak up, and give a powerful signal, that you will not comply !! It is time for us All, to say NO !! We DEMAND World Peace !! And I hope this song will help reaching this ultimate goal, of WORLD PEACE! I hope you all will like this song, and do whatever you can, and whatever it takes, to STOP THIS MADNESS OF ANOTHER WAR !! PEACE!! OEROE!


"UPDATE" ! I forgot to tell you, that this song is supported by "the Animal Kingdom" LOL! they are "speaking their mind" also on this song...

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Chart listings
Aug 26 2013
Sep 02 2013
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