Doofy's Awesome Ride with the Valkyries created by kerosene 12 years ago

Plays: 475 Favorites: 3
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Movie

This started off as a tribute to Thienien but rapidly descended into a derpish cacophony as usual.

Seriously though, if you're actually reading this you have enough time on your hands to look in my favourites list and listen to what I consider to be the best track on Musicshake - 'Temptation's Echoes' by Thenian.

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Aug 12 2013
Aug 26 2013
Dec 09 2013
Jul 01 2013
Jun 10 2013
Jun 17 2013
Jun 24 2013
Oct 07 2013
Oct 14 2013
Oct 21 2013
Sep 02 2013
Sep 09 2013
Sep 23 2013
Sep 30 2013
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