Hypnotized [Club Mix] created by DJ Galaxy 17 years ago

Plays: 5,404 Favorites: 4
Genre: Dance/Disco Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Other

This is my song for the ShakeJam competition. Hypnotized is a heavy and colorful dance track made up of a vibraphone, wah guitar, two drum sets, a saxophone, strings, and a DJ. I believe it's my best song yet. ^^Feedback is appreciated!Looking for great music on musicshake? Try "Factory" by theory, a really cool collaboration between two old musicshake members. They have a really great sound, so check 'em out!~DJ Galaxy

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Apr 06 2020
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May 02 2016
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Nov 19 2018
Nov 30 2020
Oct 05 2015
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Oct 26 2015
Sep 27 2021
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