Souhaiter The Beloved created by MDEScott 13 years ago

Plays: 18 Favorites: 0
Genre: Ballad Mood: Love/Romantic Theme: Animation

There's A Man By The Name of Eophon, He's An Anti-Sexual. He's Scared of Letting Himself Be Free, So He Hides Behind His Anointing To Preach Trying To Fight The True Man Within. Then While He Was Walking, He Looked Around & Saw That Love Was IN The Air. Being Blinded By The Past, He Mocks All of Them & Crusing Them Saying "Very Soon, They Will Want To Be Just Like ME" Day after Day He Went on The Street Called amour & Mocked Them. Then 1 Day As The Sky Opened, An Angel By The name of souhaiter came down & Came To Him Saying "Your God Has Sent Me Here To Give U This" As She Gave Him A White Box. As He Opened The Box, He Saw 2 Hearts, Beating on Each Other. In The Middle of Them Was A Purple Rose That Was Called Evol. As He Looked Down, He Noticed That 1 of The Hearts Was His own Becasue It Was Connected To His Chest While The other Heart Was souhaiter's. As He Became To Run, souhaiter Passionly Kissed Him Which Made The Hearts & rose become 1. They Were Now Forever One

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