Recollection created by karma5 13 years ago

Plays: 793 Favorites: 36
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Other

Nostalgic piece again...

Basically, I just decided to revamp my old song, "Piano Forgotten." It was kinda plain, but I guess we all had to start somewhere:!/song?sn=5582

"Recollection" = )

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Piano Forgotten
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**History of the song: I always wanted to try my hand at my 'Piano Forgotten' song again because I liked the instruments in it, so I re-did the arrangement, added more oomf and I guess it turned out alright. I'm actually surprised it got some attention, given the genre and all. I wasn't expecting all the comments.

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Apr 01 2024
Mar 26 2012
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