Where Are You III - Animated Piano created by julian5742 14 years ago

Plays: 109 Favorites: 2
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Remix

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3. Animated Piano - Where Are You Soundtrack

Information about this movie:
Movie: Where Are You
Date Created: November 16, 2011
Drum: Action Movie Star
Month/Year Created: November-December 2011
Notes: N/A
Release Date: June 22, 2012
Genre: Action/Adventure
Cast: Derek Edwards, Jeremy Levees
Director: Bradley Cullum
Writers: Andrew Daly, Gattan Dela Cruz, Chris Brannon
Studio: Relativity Media

Plot: Julian Hebrio (Derek Edwards) has to play basketball with his friends at recess. He headed over to the elimination game that he faced out during break. Romulo Estrada (Jeremy Levees) has to play with some other friends like David (Pat Elli), Patrick Ocampo (Andrew Levendusky), Chime (Max Thieriot) and Antone (Erik Bryant). During analyzed that game, Julian saw Romulo headed after the Intermediate W5H tournaments. When they're wasting time, Dinuk (Alex Smith) got in charged out with students that they have heard.

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Jan 02 2012
Nov 21 2011
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