Soul Thief created by DJGodlanddog 14 years ago
Souls power the Living, the Dead, Vampires, Werewolves, Gods, Demons, Shape-Shifters, and the almost all powerful
Soul Thief, who permanently condemns others to be trapped out side of any realm alone in eternal contemplation of everything they did, they want, they desire, and lust and that fate is worse than dying because in the end you are your own punishment, in order to take all their memories, abilities, talents, and knowledge, and increase the power the soul thief holds. The Soul Thief can do nearly and eventually everything given that if the soul thief has enough souls. The Soul Thief will never know personally of sickness, age, love, sadness, rage, defeat, poverty, failure, sympathy, petty, or compassion. The Soul Thief will always do better, he will only die when he so chooses, and he will never choose to die.