musicgirlz12 created by brandonj1914 14 years ago

Plays: 29 Favorites: 3
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

musicgilz said the force is strong in this one. So made her this song. Did i tell u about the little train that could? I don't think i did, then sit back and relax, this is the story of the little train that could.

Once apon a time there was a little train, but this train wasn't like any other train, this little train was in the army. So, this train was deported to the train section of the army. The train was a joyful train on tile he got his first assignment. They told him to take 10,000 pounds of weapons and food suplies to the U.S.A.The train was angry that they wonted him to do this, but he went ahead and said i think i can i think i can.So he started everyone saw him out as he left the station as the little train chugged along. Later that day, the little train saw this bird that train kept on chugen along,chuga chuga chuga toootoo! the next day the little train saw one of his Leading Officers, but that train kept on chugen along, chuga chuga chuga tootoot. what that train didn't know was that his officer had a grenade!!=0 then the officer starts to chase the little train, as he gets on, ITS A AMBUSH!!! he blows the back part of the train up, then the amaerican soldiers came out of no where and started to shoot the train.But that train just kept chugen along chuga chuga chuga tootooot! On till he reach the U.S.A and unloaded his equipment

this story has a weird twist lol

Remixed from Speed Train by musicgirlz12
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Animation
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