Canon Rock Ultima created by franznar12 14 years ago

Plays: 1,188 Favorites: 11
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Remix

I made this or remix this music not for winning the contest =D
I really want to challenge this guy and his wonderful remix of
CANON IN D in this past 3 years =D =D

Thank you Music Shake for giving back this opportunity to remix this wonderful music =D Also thanks to my friends =D

This music is dedicated to Canon Rockers all over the world !!!!!

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Chart listings
Apr 22 2013
Apr 30 2012
Dec 05 2011
Dec 11 2017
Dec 19 2011
Feb 05 2018
Nov 02 2020
Oct 03 2011
Oct 10 2011
Oct 17 2011
Oct 24 2011
Sep 19 2011
Sep 26 2011
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