Asian Chastity created by Thienien 14 years ago

Plays: 231 Favorites: 11
Genre: Soul/Funk/Groove Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Other

This is The Song of Love, Morbidity and Lust of affection i have for an Asian Chastity. Her affection for me makes me Feel Guilty of all the hatred I've bled out on this site, my books and within myself; Most importantly in games where i would create similar personas of those I've hated and would destroy them. Assuming every young girl would grow into a horrible monster cretin of their former selves (a whore) i gave up hope of ever finding love. But this Chastity opened my eyes again and this song is for her and to show the affection she shows for me, i would have to kill myself.

I love this Chastity but is this love i have true or Just Distorted hate and Lust?

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Chart listings
Aug 08 2011
Aug 15 2011
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