Forest Solitude created by Lyrad 15 years ago

Plays: 139 Favorites: 3
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Game

She walked amidst the forest. Surrounding her were planes of red, trees browned from autumn dryness and the covering of leaves on what would have been grassy floors.

The air was astoundingly still, with not a sight, scent or breath of wildlife, aside from her own. Yet, the gentle rays of sun pierce through the branches and assures her that what she is looking for was in there. Speckles of sparkling dust placidly fall through the thin beams of light, filling the world she was in with varied texture, depth and an array of subtle sensorial calm.

Alone, but not at all out of place.

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Mar 07 2011
Mar 14 2011
Nov 07 2011
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